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Sunday Worship 9:30 a.m.
Contemporary Service 11:15 a.m.
What should I wear?The family at Peace is made up of people of all ages at all stages of life. Clothing ranges from shorts and jeans to skirts and ties. Be comfortable . . . be you. That’s the person we are most eager to meet, and the person God loves.
Can I bring my kids to church?Yep, we like kids. Children of all ages are a welcome part of our Sunday worship services. We know they may wiggle or make noise, and that’s okay. It’s what kids do! If you come to the front for Communion, you are welcome to bring your child for a special blessing from the pastor.
Where should I park? Which door should I use?​There is plenty of parking on the north, west, and south sides of the building. Covered entrances are available on both the front and the back of the building; you’re welcome to use either one, as they both go to the same place!
What should I do once I get inside?The main doors lead to an open room, where you can find a coat rack, a tissue, and 'News & Notes' with the scoop about what’s going on at Peace. Signs or a friendly usher can point you to the bathrooms or drinking fountain. At the Welcome Center you will find a guest register and helpful information about the church. When you’re ready to enter the sanctuary, an usher will ask if you’d like a bulletin and will be happy to help you find a seat if you’d like. You are welcome to sit anywhere you like. ​ In each pew you will find hymnals, Bibles, kids’ doodle papers, and a statement about attending Communion. A Friendship Folder at the inside end of each pew offers you a place to record your name (which helps the church office with its attendance records) – you can do this either before the service or while the offering is being collected after the sermon.
What is a service like?You are welcome to follow along using the screens at the front of the sanctuary, or using a printed bulletin, or just by listening if you like. Lutheran services include some ups and downs . . . we stand for portions of the service to express our joy, honor Christ, or share our beliefs. If you are not comfortable standing at any or all of those times, feel free to remain seated. ​ The service usually lasts 60-75 minutes. It will include songs, Bible readings, responsive litanies, a sermon by the pastor, and prayer. We celebrate the Lord’s Supper/Holy Communion on the third Sunday of the month. Some services may make you laugh, some services may put a lump in your throat as God speaks to your heart in unexpected ways. Either way, it’s all a normal part of the time we set aside to spend with Him. Our 9:30 service includes traditional hymns, connecting us through song to the faith of our Christian brothers and sisters from hundreds of years ago, sometimes we sing newer songs, appreciating the upbeat tempos and joyful words of praise that flow through the music of the past 50 years. This service might incorporate singers and musicians eager to share their gifts. Our 11:15 service is informal, including music of a more contemporary style and utilizing screens and the sound system. Members of all generations have developed a respect for all types of music in the worship experience as a way to enable all types of people to praise God with their whole heart.
What happens after the service?​There is no formal dismissal after the service – you’re free to leave when the service is over. Some of our members tend to hang around in the entryway for a while, chatting and getting caught up on the week’s activities. Others scoot out right away to head to their homes and that day’s obligations. People may say hello to you or give you a shy smile; you are welcome to smile back! Most Sundays we offer coffee and treats between the services. You are invited to sit and enjoy a light snack with our members!
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